This is a short introduction to Octave for Machine Learning.
1. Basic Operations
- Not equal to
1 ~= 2
- And
1 && 2
- Or
1 || 2
- Variable
a = pi
- 3.1316
- Print 2 decimal places
disp(sprintf('2 decimals: %0.2f', a))
disp(sprintf('6 decimals: %0.6f', a))
- Longer decimal places
format short
- Matrices
- 3 x 2
A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6]
- Semicolon implies go to the next row
- 1 x 3
B = [1 2 3]
- 3 x 1
C = [1; 2; 3]
- 2 x 3 ones
ones(2, 3)
D = 2*ones(2,3)
- 1 x 3 zeros
zeros(1, 3)
- 1 x 3 rand
rand(1, 3)
- 1 x 3 Gaussian Distribution, mean = 0, SD = 1
randn(1, 3)
- 3 x 2
- Start from 1, increment 0.1, up to 2
v = 1:0.1:2
- Start from 1, increment 1, up to 6
v = 1:6
- Histogram
w = -6 + sqrt(10)*(randn(1, 10))
- 50 bins
hist(w, 50)
- Identity Matrix
- 4 x 4
- 3 x 3
- quit
- press ‘q’
2. Moving Data Around
A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6]
- Getting matrix dimensions
- get first and second dimension
size(A, 1)
size(A, 2)
- Get longest dimension (normally applied to vectors)
- Load file
load file.dat
- Show variables in current workspace
- for a more detailed version
- Get data from file priceY
v = priceY(1:10)
- Save file
save hello.txt v -ascii;
- Accessing elements in matrix (array)
A(3, 2)
- This would give row 6, column 2, so 6
A(2, :)
- This would give all of row 2
A(:, 2)
- This would give all of column 2
A([1,3], :)
- This gives everything from Row 1, 3 and all Columns
- Replace Elements
A(:, 2) = [10; 11; 12]
- This would replace second column (all rows)
- Append Elements
A = [A, [100; 101; 102]];
- Appends new column vector [100; 101; 102]
- Put all elements of A into a single vector
- Concatenate Matrices Horizontally
A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6]
B = [4 5; 6 7; 8 9]
C = [A B]
- Concatenate Matrices Vertically
C = [A; B]
3. Computing on Data
A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6]
B = [11 12; 13 14; 15 16]
C = [1 1; 2 2]
- Muliply matrices
- Element-wise Multiplication
- Literal multiplication of cell to cell
- `[1 2] .* [2 2]
= [2 4]
- Element-wise squaring
A .^ 2
- Squares each cell
- Element-wise reciprocal
1 ./ A
- Element-wise log and exponential
- Element-wise absolute value
- Add numbers to each cell
A + 1
- Transpose (m x n to n x m)
- Maximum Value of matrix
- Does column-wise maximum
- Comparison
A < 3
- 1: true
- 0: false
- Finding elements that fulfil inequality (vector)
- gives which elements are < 3
- Magic(num)
- Each row, column and diagonal add up to the same thing
- Something like sudoku
- Find which element in an array fulfills inequality
[r, c] = find(A >= 7)
- Sum all elements
- Product all elements
- Round down
- Round up
- Create random matrix
max(rand(3), rand(3))
- This takes max of 2 3x3 matrices
- Finding max per column
max(A, [], 1)
- Finding max per row
max(A, [], 2)
- Finding max of all numbers
- Converting to vector
- Sum each column
sum(A, 1)
- Sum each row
sum(A, 2)
- Sum diagonal
A .* eye(9)
- Assuming A is 9 x 9
sum(sum(A .* eye(9)))
sum(sum(A .* flipud(eye(9))))
- Inverse Matrix
4. Plotting Data
t = [0:0.01:0.98];
y1 = sin(2*pi*4*t);
plot(t, y1);
hold on;
- This ‘hold on’ allows you to print two graphs together
y2 = cos(2*pi*4*t);
plot(t, y2);
legend('sin', 'cos')
title('my plot')
rint -dpng 'myPlot.png'
- Save file
- Get rid of figure
figure(1); plot(t, y1)
figure(2); plot(t, y2)
- Multiple figures
subplot(1, 2, 1);
plot(t, y1);
- Divides plot a 1 x 2 grid, access first element
subplot(1, 2, 2);
plot(t, y2);
- Divides plot a 1 x 2 grid, access second element
axis([0.5 1 -1 1])
- x-axis: 0.5 to 1
- y-axis: -1 to 1
- Clear figure
imagesc(A), colorbar, colormap gray
- Three commands using comma to chain commands
- Determine concentration of numbers on a grid
5. Control Statements
- for
- while
- else
6. Vectorization
- Matlab/Octave index starts from 1
- Transposing theta would have a more simpler and efficient code
- Implementation in Octave
- Compress for loop to one line of vectorized code
- Vectorized implementation of gradient descent
- Delta and Theta are vectors
- Elements of Delta Vector (black boxes)
- Elements of Theta Vector (Theta0, Theta1, Theta2)
- Delta and Theta are vectors
I would like to give full credits to the respective authors as these are my personal python notebooks taken from deep learning courses from Andrew Ng, Data School and Udemy :) This is a simple python notebook hosted generously through Github Pages that is on my main personal notes repository on They are meant for my personal review but I have open-source my repository of personal notes as a lot of people found it useful.